My goal in landscape photography has been to create personally expressive photographs that portray my interpretations of what Mother Nature presents to my eye. In doing so, my photos dually teach people the value of our natural and wilderness spaces. I create photographs that are centered around the observance of nature and how we can learn so much about ourselves from her patterns and rhythm. I often find myself photographing more intimate scenes, choosing to focus on the slighter details. By doing so I also create mystery and intrigue by allowing the viewer to imagine what lies outside of the visible frame.
My Reflectivity Portfolio is directly related to my style of expressive photography. When I set out to make new photos I do so with the intention of open-mindedness; the photos I take are a reflection of the landscape and my personal expression. These photos are not only a reflection of my artistic values, but also contain a reflective subject matter in each photograph. One thematic approach that I wanted to remain constant throughout was the aspect ratio. Choosing a square crop provides the sides with a wonderful balance and complements the tranquil feel of each photo. The ten photos were all made across the region of Northern Minnesota, a space I am lucky enough to call home and have been able to learn more about through my photographic journey. The photos are presented in chronological order of the day. To me, this symbolizes the calmness that can be found in each passing moment. In the process of creating this body of work, I was fascinated to observe reflections in not just still bodies of water, but also other textures like wet rock, river rapids, and ripples. Photos like “Autumnal Aura”, “Liquid Gold”, and “Tiger Stripes” are abstracts that showcase the patterns on the surface of the water. I am enamored with the curious nature of these reflected subject matters. “Out of Darkness” and “Looming Presence” were both made on my paddling escapades on Lake Superior. Spending time on the largest freshwater lake in the world is a humbling experience, the essence of which I intended to capture in these photos. In “Tranquility” I explored the deceptiveness of viewing reflections from heights. It is “Verdant Shimmer”, “Zen Flow”, and “Polished” that most strongly carry a message that I find to be central to this portfolio. They tell a story of how we are shaped by our past experiences and reflect our surroundings in our character. These three images differ from the rest of the body of work due to the presence of motion in the images and the unique reflection upon the rocks in “Polished.” Wondering about what the unique iridescent green hue found in all three photos is? This is the foliage of the overhead trees, reflected into the river as sunlight passes through them. “Cliffside Calm” rounds out this portfolio. Even in the dead of night, a reflection is visible. Nighttime often symbolizes quietness and introspection. The glass reflection and motionless trees lent themselves to the ideals of calm and quiet. Additionally, the countless stars provide a sense of introspection and meaning when looking at the grand scheme of things, something that I find reflections often bestow upon our curious minds.
"Out of Darkness"
"Looming Presence"
"Liquid Gold"
"Autumnal Aura"
"Verdant Shimmer"
"Zen Flow"
"Tiger Stripes"
"Cliffside Calm"